Common Issues with ev3dev-lang-python

ImportError: No module named ev3dev2

This likely means you are running the script on your computer rather than on the EV3 (or other ev3dev platform). You can run it using our Visual Studio Code extension by connecting to a device from the “Explore” tab on the left and then going to the debug tab, selecting “Run and Debug”, and choosing the ev3dev option.


/usr/bin/env: 'python3\r': No such file or directory

This means your file includes Windows-style line endings (CRLF–carriage-return line-feed), which are often inserted by editors on Windows. To resolve this issue, open an SSH session and run the following command, replacing <file> with the name of the Python file you’re using:

sed -i 's/\r//g' <file>

This will fix it for the copy of the file on the brick, but if you plan to edit it again from Windows, you should configure your editor to use Unix-style line endings (LF/line-feed). In Visual Studio Code, there is an option in the lower-right corner.


For PyCharm, you can find a guide on doing this here. Most other editors have similar options; there may be an option for it in the status bar at the bottom of the window or in the menu bar at the top.

Exception: Unsupported platform 'None'

If you are on a Raspberry Pi, you probably forgot to update config.txt.

Using BrickPi 3: sensors aren’t found

The BrickPi can’t automatically detect what sensors are plugged in, so you need to tell it. See the BrickPi 3 demo.